Friday, May 30, 2014

Adam Mossoff on patent trolls in Slate

What’s the most amazing innovation in the history of capitalism? The light bulb? The internal combustion engine? The computer chip? Candy Crush?

from Ayn Rand Institute - Blog

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Government Versus the Rule of Law [Podcast Episode #14]

When the president can get away with repeatedly rewriting Obamacare by fiat because he has a “mandate” from the people, we have to ask: Is America still a nation ruled by laws?

from Ayn Rand Institute - Blog

Upcoming Talk: Should We Be Proud of Obamacare?

Next Wednesday, June 4, I’ll be giving a brand new talk, titled “Obamacare: A Law We Can Be Proud Of?”, at ARI’s headquarters in Irvine, California.

from Ayn Rand Institute - Blog

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Introduction to RooseveltCare: How Social Security Is Sabotaging the Land of Self-Reliance

This is the introduction to my new book, which we’ll be releasing in early June. Stay tuned to this blog to learn how you can get your hands on it and help us promote it.

from Ayn Rand Institute - Blog

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The Debt Dialogues [Episode 12]: Debate – Don Watkins vs. Harry van der Linden on the Welfare State

In this episode of the Debt Dialogues, I debate Butler University professor of philosophy Harry van der Linden on the morality of the welfare state.

from Ayn Rand Institute - Blog

Medicine: The Death of a Profession

We go to doctors because we want their expert medical judgment on what’s ailing us and how to fix it. In the Wall Street Journal, Zane F. Pollard, a pediatric ophthalmologist, writes about what’s routinely interfering with his ability to exercise his best judgment when it comes to treating his patients: government regulations.

from Ayn Rand Institute - Blog

Friday, May 23, 2014

Ayn Rand’s Anthem Nominated for Retrospective Hugo Award

Ayn Rand’s novella Anthem has been nominated for the 1939 Retrospective Hugo Award in the Best Novella category for works published in 1938. The winner will be announced at LonCon 3, a World Science Fiction Convention held in London, England, from August 14 through 18, 2014.

from Ayn Rand Institute - Blog

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The Nosy Neighbor Society

A friend of mine recently passed along this story from the satirical newspaper The Onion, which echoes a bunch of other stories (justly) poking fun at conservatives who are up in arms about the way poor people are spending their money.

from Ayn Rand Institute - Blog

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

ARI’s Executive Director Takes on Thomas Piketty

In an online interview at CityA.M., ARI executive director Yaron Brook commented on French economist Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the Twenty-First Century, the surprise international bestseller that laments economic inequality.

from Ayn Rand Institute - Blog

The Debt Dialogues [Episode 11]: Peter Schwartz on Altruism

In this episode of the Debt Dialogues, I interview ARI distinguished fellow Peter Schwartz on the morality of altruism.

from Ayn Rand Institute - Blog

Monday, May 19, 2014

Special Pricing for All Full-Time Students at OCON 2014

Due to high demand, we've expanded Young Adult pricing at the 2014 Objectivist Summer Conference to include full-time students of all ages.

from Ayn Rand Institute - Blog

The Forgotten Man of Socialized Medicine

A couple weeks ago I pointed readers of this blog to an excellent op-ed in the Wall Street Journal, written by an orthopedic surgeon, Daniel F. Craviotto, who took a stand against growing government control of his livelihood.

from Ayn Rand Institute - Blog

Friday, May 16, 2014

Three New Speakers at OCON 2014 in Las Vegas

We'd like to welcome Carl Barney, Hal Berenson and Tim Blum to our list of distinguished speakers at this year’s Objectivist Summer Conference, an annual gathering for fans of Ayn Rand.

from Ayn Rand Institute - Blog

Thursday, May 15, 2014

The Rich, the Poor, and Ayn Rand

Steve Horwitz has a very interesting post about Ayn Rand over at Bleeding Heart Libertarians. He notes that Rand is often caricatured as an advocate of the rich and an enemy of the poor.

from Ayn Rand Institute - Blog

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

“Predatory Technology” Update: The History

When I blogged recently about a British lawyer’s proposal to make “predatory technology” into a “viable antitrust concept,” I didn’t realize how many prior attempts have been made in American courts and regulatory agencies to do just that.

from Ayn Rand Institute - Blog

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The Debt Dialogues [Episode 10]: John C. Goodman on Medicare

In this episode the Debt Dialogues, I talked to National Center for Policy Analysis president John C. Goodman about Medicare.

from Ayn Rand Institute - Blog

Monday, May 12, 2014

John Stossel To Headline Ayn Rand Institute’s Chicago Gala

The Ayn Rand Institute’s third annual Chicago fundraising dinner and auction will feature acclaimed investigative journalist, best-selling author and TV personality John Stossel.

from Ayn Rand Institute - Blog

What Dave Ramsey’s Personal Finance Advice Can Teach Us About the Minimum Wage Debate

A few weeks ago I was listening to the Dave Ramsey radio show and I heard him take a call from a young man who was struggling with a low-paying job and two kids he had to support all on his own. I was impressed with Dave’s advice.

from Ayn Rand Institute - Blog

Friday, May 9, 2014

ARI News: Media Highlights

ARI writers and speakers regularly appear on a variety of media outlets.

from Ayn Rand Institute - Blog

“Predatory Technology” Update: The Nespresso Case

When I blogged recently about a British lawyer’s proposal to make “predatory technology” into a “viable antitrust concept,” I didn’t realize how many prior attempts have been made in American courts and regulatory agencies to do just that.

from Ayn Rand Institute - Blog

Thursday, May 8, 2014

The Government Does You No Favors by Not Seizing Your Income

Kaiser Health News has an informative article busting some common myths about who pays for health care in this country. The article correctly illustrates that most people today have their medical expenses subsidized by others — by either their employers or the government.

from Ayn Rand Institute - Blog

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Why I Don’t Support Andrew Biggs’ Social Security Proposal

One of the things that makes thinking clearly about Social Security difficult is that the program actually blends together two very different issues: (1) how individuals prepare for old-age and (2) transferring income from those who earn it to those who allegedly need it.

from Ayn Rand Institute - Blog

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The Debt Dialogues [Episode 9]: Yaron Brook on Capitalism

In this episode of the Debt Dialogues, I talk to Ayn Rand Institute executive director Yaron Brook about the moral alternative to the welfare state: laissez-faire capitalism. Topics include how the welfare state harms recipients, why capitalism leads to prosperity and human flourishing, and Ayn Rand’s unique contribution to capitalist thought.

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We’re All Pawns Under Obamacare

The government today does not see us as individuals with the right to make choices about our own health care. Instead, over the last hundred years, the government has increasingly forced us to make different choices.

from Ayn Rand Institute - Blog

Monday, May 5, 2014

Upcoming talk: The “Virtue of Selfishness”?

On Wednesday, May 7, ARI’s Elan Journo will be talking about the meaning and implications of the “virtue of selfishness.”

from Ayn Rand Institute - Blog

How To End the Welfare State With One Simple Question

In a recent debate on the welfare state, I was asked whether I thought it was important to help others. That, I said, was not the right question. In a free society, people help others all the time — parents help children, neighbors help neighbors, private charities help orphans.

from Ayn Rand Institute - Blog

Friday, May 2, 2014

How Ayn Rand’s Books Change Lives

If you haven’t yet read Jason Hill’s article at, head over there now. It’s an engrossing story about how Hill, now a professor at De Paul University, first encountered Ayn Rand’s ideas growing up in Jamaica.

from Ayn Rand Institute - Blog

The Retirement Crisis that Probably Isn’t

Elizabeth Warren and many of the other people recklessly seeking to expand Social Security, which is already on an unsustainable course, justify their crusade by claiming that America is facing a retirement crisis. Millions of older Americans, they say, cannot afford to retire: Social Security doesn’t pay enough and they haven't saved sufficiently on their own.

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Imagine: The Power to Choose Your Health Care

On Wednesday, May 7, I’ll be speaking in Steamboat Springs, Colorado, at “Imagine: The Power to Choose YOUR Healthcare,” an event organized by the Steamboat Institute.

from Ayn Rand Institute - Blog

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Atlas Shrugged Revolution Dinner in Chicago

Join us on June 3 for the annual Atlas Shrugged Revolution Chicago Dinner, a celebration of Ayn Rand’s groundbreaking ideas and an opportunity to learn the latest about ARI’s work promoting those ideas in Chicago and around the country.

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One Doctor Says “Enough Is Enough”

In the Wall Street Journal, Daniel F. Craviotto Jr., an orthopedic surgeon, writes eloquently about the government’s increasing intervention in the practice of medicine. He illustrates some of the ways (though there are many more) by which the government has come to increasingly control doctors’ time, efforts and income — i.e., their lives.

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