Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Join Onkar Ghate’s Crusade for Reason and Freedom

In December, ARI’s senior fellow, Dr. Onkar Ghate, will be on “The Road to a Free Society” tour. In his talk, “Religion vs. Freedom,” Onkar will argue that we need to break the alleged link between capitalism and religion.

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Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The Debt Dialogues [Episode 32]: John Cochrane on Inequality

The Debt Dialogues is a weekly podcast that aims to educate young people about the welfare state and how it will affect their future. In this episode, I interview John Cochrane, University of Chicago economist and senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, on the campaign to limit economic inequality.

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Monday, November 24, 2014

Steve Simpson on C-SPAN2 on November 25

Tomorrow night, C-SPAN2 will air a talk by Steve Simpson, ARI’s director of legal studies, titled “Cronyism, Corruption and Government Power.”

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Friday, November 21, 2014

How Iran Gamed the Nuclear Talks

Monday, November 24, marks a deadline in the negotiations over Iran’s nuclear program. A glance at where things stand tells you just how well Iran has gamed the process. The pattern: Iran has set the terms and pocketed concessions.

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Thursday, November 20, 2014

The Garden of Eden Premise

The other day I was thumbing through an interesting book, Pursuing Liberty: American Through the Eyes of the Newly Free, which contains interviews with eight American immigrants. It really captured what I think is one of the most notable and admirable characteristics of immigrants to this country: how many of them come expecting to work for a better life. They value freedom, not because it makes life easy, but because it makes success possible.

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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Mark Cuban, Ayn Rand, and Neutering the Internet

“If Ayn Rand were an up and coming author today,” Mark Cuban recently tweeted, “she wouldnt (sic) write about steel or railroads, it would be net neutrality.”

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Should America Aspire to Be Like Greece?

Wall Street executive Steven Rattner recently had a piece in the New York Times bemoaning rising inequality, and the fact that voters don’t seem to care about it. But we should care, argues Rattner: “Inflation-adjusted earnings of the bottom 90 percent of Americans fell between 2010 and 2013,” Rattner writes, “with those near the bottom dropping the most. Meanwhile, incomes in the top decile rose [by 2 percent].”

from Ayn Rand Institute - Blog

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Keith Lockitch on Alex Epstein’s new book The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels [Video]

ARI is excited to announce that one of our former writers, Alex Epstein, has a powerful and engaging new book, The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels.

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Speaking to Millennials about Obamacare and Free Markets in Health Care

I’ll be in Atlanta this week to discuss the latest issues surrounding health care. If you’re in the area, I hope you can stop by one or both of these events.

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Monday, November 17, 2014

What Jonathan Gruber Teaches Us about Obamacare

By now you’ve probably seen the video of Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber, in which he admits that deceiving the American public, whom he calls “stupid”, was necessary in order to pass the law. Since the video went viral, Gruber has tried to walk back his comments amid a hail of rebukes. But perhaps we should thank him: his comments in the video expose the ideology underlying Obamacare. Gruber put into words the collectivist mindset behind how Obamacare was passed and the law’s substance.

from Ayn Rand Institute - Blog

Friday, November 14, 2014

Peter Schwartz on Brittany Maynard’s Assisted Suicide and the Right to Life

Over at The Huffington Post, ARI’s distinguished fellow and author of the upcoming In Defense of Selfishness: Why the Code of Self-Sacrifice Is Unjust and Destructive, Peter Schwartz argues that conservatives who oppose doctor-assisted suicide are, in fact, contradicting the actual right to life.

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Thursday, November 13, 2014

ARI in the Debate: A Brief Update

On November 4, 2014, ARI fellow Don Watkins gave his talk, “End the Debt Draft: How the Welfare State Is Exploiting Millennials,” to the Capitalism and Global Supply Chains class of Sam M. Walton College of Business at the University of Arkansas.

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Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Steve Simpson, what are you working on?

In November, ARI’s director of legal studies, Steve Simpson, will be on ARI's “Road to a Free Society” tour. Across the country he will be giving a talk titled “Cronyism, Corruption and Government Power.” Is there any truth to the claims that our government is corrupt and cronyism rampant? In his talk, Mr. Simpson will argue that there is something to the issues of “cronyism,” but not in the way that most people think.

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Friday, November 7, 2014

How Totalitarianism Works: ISIS and U.N. Edition

What’s the goal behind the Islamic State’s carnage? The group seeks what jihadists all seek: totalitarian enslavement.

from Ayn Rand Institute - Blog

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Message to Future Doctors: You Matter

Tonight I’m speaking at a panel event for medical students at Georgetown University. Titled “The ACA and the Evolution of Our Health Care System,” the event will explore how Obamacare impacts doctors. The event is organized by the American Medical Association’s chapter on campus.

from Ayn Rand Institute - Blog

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Yaron Brook in Europe

During the last few weeks, ARI’s executive director, Yaron Brook, has been touring through Europe giving talks on a wide variety of topics. He has spoken in in the U.K., Norway, Germany, Poland, Serbia and Netherlands on topics such as the morality of capitalism, the immorality of the welfare state, the virtue of selfishness, and economic inequality.

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